Chapter 249 - Qin Feng Road

"Renli, are you joking?" After a while, Xia Chongzong laughed.

"This is an important matter, why is it a joke when your younger brother is here to report?" Li Renli said.

Li Renli's expression was abnormally anxious and terrified. He could not help but frown!

"Nonsense! It's not like we don't know the situation in the Guan Shan! Right now, Guan Shan is facing three threats, my Priestess' army of more than a hundred thousand is in Guan Shan, Jiangnan's Emperor of Han Dynasty still has another six hundred thousand soldiers in Guan Shan! Under these circumstances, how could that Emperor Xuanwu dare to head north? Is he crazy? Does he not want the Guan Shan anymore? " Wan Yanzonggan scolded from the side.

"Your Majesty, Lord Warrick, what I've said is absolutely true!" Li Renli's forehead was covered in sweat as he replied.

"How is this possible?" Xia Chongzong frowned.

"Your Majesty, your servant brother is in charge of Privy Council affairs! In the morning, a group of retreating soldiers entered the Privy Council. They all came from the Hongzhou, the Forbidden Province, and all the other places in Jia Ning City. Initially, Chendi didn't believe it either, but just now, the Yan Prefecture Overseer and Guardian Generals sent their men over to say that the Song Army was heading towards the Yan Prefecture! Right now, the Song Army had most likely surrounded Yan Zhou! "At this point, I have no choice but to believe it!" Li Renli said.

"How is this possible? This is ridiculous! " Wan Yanzonggan frowned!

But Li Renli's words were so indisputable, both Xia Chongzong and Wan Yanzonggan became cautious! However, when they thought carefully, they still felt that it was incredible!

"Where are the fallen soldiers? Where was the messenger sent by the Yanzhou City? "Tell them to come see me immediately!" Xia Chongzong said.

"Chendi, bring them here! In fact, they are currently waiting outside the palace for your majesty's summons! " Li Renli said.

With such an incident, Xia Chongzong and Wan Yanzonggan did not have the mood to eat. Immediately, everyone returned to their seats in the palace once again, waiting for the arrival of the defeated soldiers, defeated generals and messengers!

After a quarter of an hour, several hundred people appeared outside the Imperial Palace! Amongst the hundreds of people, there were more than ten dressed neatly. They were the messengers of the Yanzhou City! The remaining people were in an exceptionally sorry state. They were the defeated soldiers and generals!

Immediately, Li Renli led the messengers of the Yanzhou City in, and these dozens of messengers kneeled on the ground! The leader was a Academy Officer, and at that moment the Academy Officer said, "Your Majesty, everyone, there are a large number of Song Army, and they have already made their way to the various parts of the Hongzhou, so General Ren Duo has ordered us to come to the Xingqing Mansion to pass on our message! Your Majesty, although General Ren Duo is confident that he can protect Yanzhou City, it is very difficult to expel all of them! Thus, he requested for the assistance of the imperial government! "

"Is this true?" Xia Chongzong was still in disbelief!

At this time, Li Renli had already brought a few generals in! The soldiers were exhausted. One of them had a broken arm and the rest had wounds on their body! Their eyes were dim and their lips were dry and cracked. At this moment, they had also fallen to their knees!

Seeing them, Xia Chongzong immediately knew that they had experienced a huge battle!

"The Song Army is really invading?" Xia Chongzong said anxiously.

"Absolutely true! The Song Army has really invaded! " A defeated general said.

"How many people are there in the Song Army? Was it just a small group of enemies? You failed because you didn't have a dike? " Wan Yanzonggan shouted coldly.

"There are a lot of Song Army s, I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of them!" A defeated general said.

Once the army was defeated, in order to avoid responsibility, they would often exaggerate the number of enemies! At this moment, the same was true for the Western Xia General! Of course, on the battlefield, it was hard to determine how many enemies there were! Whether it was the huge army of over a hundred thousand men or the huge army of several hundred thousand men, they were all packed like a mountain! At the start, he had thought that it would be hundreds of thousands. But on the road, he kept thinking about it and the impression in his heart became more and more vague. Now, he vaguely felt that hundreds of thousands might not be wrong! Moreover, there were more than a hundred thousand people attacking the city that day, maybe there were other Song Army s in the distance! Therefore, he felt that he wasn't wrong to say several hundred thousand!

"Hundreds of thousands?" How is that possible? " Wan Yanzonggan was in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, this lord is several hundred thousand! We can't be wrong! " "The general who has lost his way."

"Tell me, how many people are there?" Xia Chongzong said as he looked at the rest of the generals.

"Your Majesty, it is indeed several hundred thousand!" The generals cried out.

At the moment, Xia Chongzong already felt that something was wrong, if hundreds of thousands of people were to enter the Western Xia, the entire Eastern part of the Western Xia would have fallen! Even if it was the Yanzhou City s, they might not even be able to stop several hundred thousand Song Army s!

Li Renli had already called in all the soldiers outside, he was questioning them in detail! Some of the soldiers said they had over a hundred thousand soldiers, while others said they had over a hundred thousand soldiers! But no matter what, the Song Army had an extremely large number of troops, this was something that no one could doubt!

Furthermore, Hongzhou City had only lasted for two hours, and the people of the Gui Prefecture and Jia Ning Prefecture had only lasted for two hours before they all fell.

"How is this possible? Under such circumstances, how could the Song Army dare to go north? " Wan Yanzonggan frowned.

"Master Warrick, it looks like it's true!" Song Army has really entered my Western Xia! Right now, our Western Xia is facing the assault of hundreds of thousands of Song Army! " Xia Chongzong was restless right now!

Wan Yanzonggan nodded, he had personally heard the words of the defeated soldiers, defeated generals and messengers, and when he saw their miserable appearances, he had no choice but to admit that the Song Army had indeed entered the Western Xia! Currently, the Western Xia is under threat!

"Someone, get Cha Ge over here immediately!" Xia Chongzong shouted loudly!

Not long after, a Western Xia general entered the Yin Chuan Palace! This Western Xia general was not very tall, but his body looked exceptionally sturdy. He had three long strands of beard on his head, and his face was completely red! He was the famous general Li Chage in the history of Western Xia. Because his appearance was somewhat similar to Guan Ergou, he was called "Little Guan Yu" by the Western Xia people! He was a descendant of the Royal Family and had entered the Western Xia Army at the age of ten. He started as a soldier at the lowest level and became the commander of the Western Xia army! A few years ago, he was involved in the war between the Western Xia and Song Dynasty s. Later on, the female true body invaded the Western Xia, and he led an army to fight against the female true body. However, he was far from being the female true body's opponent! But even so, he was still the current number one person in the Western Xia Army, the main commander of the Western Xia Army!

"This lowly general pays his respect to Your Majesty!" Li Chage knelt down and said.

"Brother Cha, immediately lead the army and head to the Yanzhou City!" Xia Chongzong said.

"AHH!" Li Chage was shocked, and asked: "Why is that?"

He had just arrived and was unaware of what was happening in the east!

"Song people invaded in large numbers! Now, we must resist the Song Army! " Xia Chongzong said.

"Song people invaded us on a large scale? How is that possible? " Li Chage was also stunned in disbelief!

"Renli, tell him!" Xia Chongzong said.

Immediately, Li Renli walked forward and told Li Chage about the Song Army's invasion! Li Chage was in disbelief, and immediately had the defeated soldiers, defeated generals, and messengers to describe to Li Chage the situation in the east! Li Chage asked in detail, his expression turning worse and worse! He had a lot of experience on the battlefield, so he was able to determine that what these people said were basically correct! The only thing that was suspicious was the number of Song Army s, but according to the smallest estimate, there were more than a hundred and fifty thousand of them! It was very likely that the number of soldiers had reached a few hundred thousand!

"How is this possible? With the existence of the female army in the Guan Shan, and the existence of hundreds of thousands of the army in the Emperor Jianyan, how could the little emperor of the Middle Han Area dare to go north? Do they not want the Guan Shan? " At this moment, Li Chage could not help but ask this question!

"Brother Cha, now is not the time to think about this!" You must immediately command your army to the east to defend against the Song Army! Otherwise, I'm afraid that the entire Xia Province, the entire Yinzhou would have been occupied by the Song Army! At that time, half of the mountain will no longer be in our hands! " Xia Chongzong said.

"Your Majesty, this lowly general will order the army and set off for the east! Right now, there is a total of three hundred thousand troops surrounding Xingqing Mansion. This humble official will lead two hundred and fifty thousand people to the east! In addition, Xiping Prefecture, Huaizhou, Jingzhou and other places also have troops stationed here. This lowly general requests the emperor to immediately order the troops stationed here to the east! This humble official will meet up with them in White Pond City. This way, the number of troops will exceed three hundred thousand! It is enough to fend off Song Army! " Li Chage said.

"Good!" I will have the Privy Council issue an order right now! " Xia Chongzong nodded!

"The battlefield is abnormally dangerous. What is Sir Warranty doing there?" Xia Chongzong said in disbelief.

"The Chinese are really acting too strangely!" I really can't believe that the Han people would dare to go north into the Western Xia at this time, so I'm going east to take a look! If we are able to capture the captives of the Han Chinese, I will ask them what they used to hold back our female army! " Wan Yanzonggan said.

"Does Sir Warrick mean that they have used a trick to restrain your army?" Li Chage said.

"Of course! Furthermore, not only have they restrained my Duchess' army, they have also restrained the army of Jiangnan Emperor Jianyan! Otherwise, they would not dare to head north at all! " Wan Yanzonggan was truly worthy of being Wan Yanaguda's son. A tiger father doesn't have a dog son, in a short period of time, he had already analyzed the stakes involved!

"That must be it!" Li Chage nodded!

When Li Chage and Wan Yanzonggan came out of the palace, he immediately ordered the army to gather!

However, the Western Xia army's quality was just too average. It was only until dusk did they finally finish gathering! The sky had already darkened. Li Chage hesitated for a long time and decided to send troops out tomorrow morning!

"General Cha Ge, the military situation is urgent, we can't delay any longer, we should immediately join the army!" Wan Yanzonggan said.

"The sky is already dark! At this time, even if I give the order to march, the soldiers will not agree! " Li Chage said.

Wan Yanzonggan's face revealed a ridiculing smile. In his opinion, the difference between the and the Western Xia Army was too big! If it were women's army, he would definitely advance towards the east without hesitation! Of course, the women's army could not compare to ten years ago, but even so, they were still stronger than the Western Xia army!

"I wonder if the three hundred thousand strong army can defeat the Song Army!" After a while, Wan Yanzonggan said again.

"He can definitely defeat the Song Army! In the past, I had also fought against Guan Shan's Western Army, and Western Army was only mediocre. Compared to us Western Xia's army, the Han people only relied on the strength of the city! Now that the little emperor of the Han Dynasty has ascended to the throne, the Western Army has plummeted. Furthermore, according to my estimations, Song Army will definitely not stay long in the Western Xia Region! Although they had used schemes and tricks to restrain the army of your country and the army of Jiangnan, but schemes and tricks could not last long after all! They will definitely defend your country's army and the Jiang-Nan army and launch an attack on your Guan Shan! Therefore, we only need to be cautious and not engage in a decisive battle with them. As time passes, they will definitely retreat! At that time, we will follow behind them and hunt them down. Li Chage said.

After Li Chage finished speaking, Wan Yanzonggan was stunned, after a moment, he nodded, and said: That's right! General Li is truly worthy of being a general, Zong Qian admires him! "

Wan Yanzonggan had always been in the Jinguo's imperial palace these past few years, so the wars he participated in were very few! Although his strategic vision was good, but he was still inferior to Li Chage in terms of pure tactics! After hearing what Li Chage had said, he became even more confident in Li Chage!

Early morning on the second day, Li Chage and Wan Yanzonggan led two hundred fifty thousand western Xia army s to the east! The two hundred and fifty thousand soldiers were a mix of infantry and cavalry! In addition to the army, there was also a long line of people behind them that were carrying food and materials. The speed of the army was extremely slow, coupled with the difficult ancient times and the unusually cold weather, it would take them at least half a month to travel to Yanzhou!

At this very moment, in the's Qin Feng Road, Xi'an Province, Jing Road's Commander, Zhao Zhe was in the middle of the mansion!

The Jingyuan Army's military base was set up here, there were countless staff officers here!

Information from various places was being sent here in a steady stream, especially from Western Xia!

The intelligence of the Shanbei Forbidden Army, the Tsinghua Army's invasion of the Hongzhou, the Gui Prefecture, and the Jia Ning had been sent over. The intelligence that they were about to attack the Yan Province had also been sent over! Of course, in this era, the conditions for communication were unusually lagging behind. When the information was sent over, Zhao Zhe knew that the Shanbei Forbidden Army and the Tsinghua Army must have already captured Yanzhou!

At this very moment, the dozen or so officers under Jingyuan Army's command were all gathered here!

Zhao Zhe held onto the information, his gaze swept across the ten odd army commanders below and said: "Shanbei Forbidden Army, Tsinghua Army has already conquered several cities in Western Xia! The Western Xia Capital must have received the news, the main force of Western Xia should have departed from Xingqing Mansion by now! We need to leave immediately and head towards the Xingqing Mansion! "

The army commanders below revealed an excited expression! By the end of last year, they had received orders from their staff officers to head north to the Western Xia at any time! At the start of this year, they received Zhao Chen's orders to be prepared at all times. Once they received news of the Shanbei Forbidden Army, it would be time for them to enter Western Xia! They had been waiting for Zhao Zhe's order the entire time, and now the order was finally given!

"Within fifteen minutes, the hundred thousand strong army will march towards the north at full strength!" Do not carry any baggage with you. at all costs, come to the Western Xia Xingqing Mansion in the shortest time possible! " Zhao Zhe said.

"General, I await your orders!" The dozen or so army commanders stood up one after another and said.

"Remember, this battle is related to the national destiny. We cannot slack off! If he won this battle, then no matter how dangerous it was in the north, Song Dynasty would no longer have to worry about Western Xia heading south! If they were to lose this battle, the entire Guan Shan would probably lose! Middle Han Area, Chuan Shu were also in a precarious situation, and at that time, their entire country had truly been destroyed! So, please, do not fail! " Zhao Zhe also stood up, he bent down and bowed to the captains.

"Marshal, don't worry. Even if all of our Jingyuan Army are dead, we will ensure the victory of this battle!" A soldier said from below.

"His Majesty has now entered the Western Xia! His Majesty is watching us from afar. We will not lose! " Another general said.

"Very good! Gather troops and set off! " Zhao Zhe said.

The Jingyuan Army originally had fifty thousand people, but after that, another hundred thousand youths entered the Jingyuan Army, so the total military strength of the Jingyuan Army was one hundred and fifty thousand! It was just that other than the Western Xia Empire, there were also the Tofu Empire to the west. Of course, the Tofu Empire of this era was no longer the Tang Dynasty's Tofu Empire! After hundreds of years, the entire empire had collapsed, and the number of tribes had increased to countless! . The relationship between the Song Dynasty and the Tuofan Tribes had always been very good, but even so, the Jingyuan Army still had to leave behind enough troops to guard against them.

From the moment the military order was issued, in just a quarter of an hour, all 100,000 soldiers began to move! They did not bring any transport, and each of them only brought 10 days' worth of rations, so they headed towards the Western Xia! In comparison, western Xia army took an entire afternoon to complete the formation and then rested for an entire night before setting off. The difference in military strength between the two armies could be seen! Of course, Jingyuan Army had always been preparing for the Western Xia War. Although western Xia army was also preparing to head south, it was not that urgent!

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